Monday 16 April 2012

"The stars are feeling unappreciated!"

Constantly striving for the future, overshadows the present; as life consumes the living of it. It does do one wonders to simply stop chasing ones dreams and admire the sheer beauty and enormity of it, often we become too busy keeping up with the ever-receding pursuit of happiness, letting our current state of happiness fall by the way side. If one askes oneself, "When was the last time I looked up at the stars, and did not wish upon a star for success but merely looked at the brilliance and beauty that they, the stars, feel go unnoticed". The answer would shock you, hence why you don't ask it, thus I do invite all members of the human race, currently swimming in an ocean of red tape, bills and work and preferably living (not to be confused with merely being alive); to take a few moments and just look up at the stars- whatever that may symbolise in your own life.

Rushin Jansen
Starting a revo-rushin in human thinking.  

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