Monday 16 April 2012

"Man's technological growth has exceded his moral one: we are too premature at heart to wield the power of our minds" - Rushin Jansen

On trial for the murder of God

I have murederd God, for the sake of morality. Expanding on F. Nietzsche's idea of The Death of God, we the followers of God and his religion through our immorality have blackened the name of God, for what is a God defined by, if not his believers. In addition, it is said we are made in Gods image do we not then defile God by defiling our our minds and souls with the sinister deeds seen all too frequently in the headlines, in every day life? If God then, is a reflection of the actions taken by those who claim to work in his name, then perhaps the God we've come to define is not wholly omnipotent nor good. It is important to understand that what we percieve God to be, and what he is in reality are two vastly different things. It is not then God which i murder so that my morality may survive, but merely the human perception of him. We, through our actions- calling discrimination and war, the will of God- have made him (if not only his shadow) a ridiculous God, best said by our friend Nietzsche through the madman, "The Christian God is so ridiculous a God, that even if he had existed, he would have no right to".  In conclusion, as said by Nietzsche's madman, "God is dead, he has been the victim of murder, and you and I are the murderers"- God has lost whatever function he once had, as we humans desecrate his religion with intolerance and immorality. Hence, by soiling what he stands for, we have in effect slain God.

"The stars are feeling unappreciated!"

Constantly striving for the future, overshadows the present; as life consumes the living of it. It does do one wonders to simply stop chasing ones dreams and admire the sheer beauty and enormity of it, often we become too busy keeping up with the ever-receding pursuit of happiness, letting our current state of happiness fall by the way side. If one askes oneself, "When was the last time I looked up at the stars, and did not wish upon a star for success but merely looked at the brilliance and beauty that they, the stars, feel go unnoticed". The answer would shock you, hence why you don't ask it, thus I do invite all members of the human race, currently swimming in an ocean of red tape, bills and work and preferably living (not to be confused with merely being alive); to take a few moments and just look up at the stars- whatever that may symbolise in your own life.

Rushin Jansen
Starting a revo-rushin in human thinking.